30 Blog Posts Your Students Should Write to Evidence Employability Skills - Kloodle

30 Blog Posts Your Students Should Write to Evidence Employability Skills

By April 15, 2020 No Comments

Blogging is a great way for your students to evidence their employability skills. A blog allows your student to showcase the activities they are undertaking whilst at college, and how these activities enhance their employability skills.

It is sometimes a challenge to help students realise that extra-curricular activities are a great way of evidencing employability skills, let alone that blogging about these activities is an effective way to market themselves to university or employers. This post is designed to provide you with some ideas to give your students that will help them create an effective employability blog.

1) How playing (Insert sport) has developed my teamwork skills

2) What I learned through attending (Insert company)’s career talk

3) Why I want to apply to study (Insert Course)

4) How group work has helped with my communication skills

5) Why volunteering has taught me the value of work ethic

6) The importance of being organised during revision

7) How sport has helped me to handle pressure

8) How the college production has helped with my public speaking

9) How the student council has improved my negotiation skills

10) What I learned from my College President election campaign

11) Why learning outside of college is so important

12) How working at Tesco has helped me handle complaints

13) The importance of listening well

14) What I’ve learned about sales during work experience

15) Why I want to do an apprenticeship as opposed to university

16) How I demonstrated resilience during the London Marathon

17) Why written communication is so important

18) The 5 books that have taught me the most

19) How we raised £1,000 for charity

20) How I started my own business whilst at college

21) Why studying science enables me to think critically

22) What I learned about the working environment during work experience

23) Why teamwork is so important in an office

24) How do you prioritise your revision?

25) My proudest achievement and why

26) What I’ve learned about time management during my A Levels

27) The reasons why I want to become a (Insert Career Name)

28) What I like about (Insert organisation you want to work for)

29) The most important skills needed to become a (Insert Career Name Here)

30) How starting a small business whilst at college demonstrates commercial awareness

There will be many derivatives of these titles that students can write, depending on their personal circumstances. Hopefully, the titles will show your students how they can link the activities they are undertaking during their college life can be linked back to their employability skills.

Tweet us if you have any further ideas for blogs students could write http:/twitter.com/kloodleuk.

Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Neil is co-founder of Kloodle.

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