Episode 17: Freshers' Guide to the Galaxy... - Kloodle

Episode 17: Freshers’ Guide to the Galaxy…

By April 15, 2020 No Comments

Today, we explore the issues many of us face during Freshers Week and, more widely, first year at university. Ross and I begin by reminiscing about our moving in day and the major anxiety that we both faced. Often, moving to uni can be thoroughly overwhelming, especially meeting vast swathes of new people. There were several awkward encounters and from this, we move on to share some funny stories from our respective time as “Silly Freshers”. After our popular segment, “Pointless Fact of the Day”, we ponder the 3 things that we would change if were to go back to that time again. This mainly revolves around budgeting better, eating healthier, playing more team sports and saying no to nights out if you don’t feel great. Stay to the end to hear our special ‘_ of the day’, which we guarantee listeners will enjoy!

This is a topic that many of you have asked us to discuss on the pod, so we hope you find it both intriguing and amusing.

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Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Neil is co-founder of Kloodle.

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