Graduate Jobs on the Rise as The City Revives - Kloodle

Graduate Jobs on the Rise as The City Revives

By April 15, 2020 No Comments

2014 will see a rise in graduate jobs as economic recovery in the City will stimulate financial firms to hire more graduates. The increase in graduate hires is expected to be in the region of 42% on last years hires, representing fantastic news for the crop of university leavers in 2014.

The City Graduate Jobs

The hunt for graduate talent is being driven by the City, with success originating from the increase in takeover activity and company floatation in recent months. The increase in graduate jobs is said to hold true across the board, with the exception of retail. Each of the broad careers categories are expecting increases in graduate jobs, but the situation remains the same on the pay front, as more sectors are confirming that their pay rates for recent graduates will remain frozen. This is unlikely to represent bad news for graduates, as the bleak outlook in recent years of the graduate jobs market will see many graduates grateful for acquiring a position commensurate of their qualifications, regardless of pay.

The graduate jobs market has stagnated in recent years, with growth being slow at best after the recession took a chunk out of the market. The advent of increased tuition fees at a time when the graduate jobs market was in a lull compounded the issue for many, and the future of a generation looked far from rosy. Graduates were left to take jobs below their qualification level, and the competition for the cream of graduate positions intensified. At the height of the recession, the number of applications for the most attractive graduate jobs reached to over 100 for one job, representing an insurmountable challenge for a lot of highly talented individuals, individuals who could make valuable contributions to our national economy.

The increase in opportunities is great news for our current crop of graduate talent, and accentuates the requirement for strong employability skills and the ability to market these skills to any potential future employer. Kloodle endeavours to assist graduates in this area.

Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Neil is co-founder of Kloodle.

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