New Jobs at Asda - Kloodle

New Jobs at Asda

By April 15, 2020 No Comments

One of Britain’s best loved supermarkets is creating 12,000 new UK based jobs over the course of the next 5 years. With an economy creeping towards an upturn in fortunes, this announcement is a huge vote of confidence for the UK, and an indication that the future is indeed bright.

Asda made the announcement at a meeting between the CEO of Wal-Mart and the UK prime minister, David Cameron. The announcement reaffirmed Asda’s commitment to the UK, with an expansion project enabled by their concentration on discount and premium markets.

The expansion plans for Asda involve opening 40 conventional superstores, 100 new supermarkets and 150 forecourt shops. Asda also is looking to increase it’s online presence in the UK as retail continues it’s emphasis shift towards the digital realm.

Asda occupy number 48 on the Times Top 100 graduate employers list. They have graduate opportunities in Finance, Human Resources, IT, Logistics, Marketing, Property, Purchasing and Retail. Their opportunities are UK wide and are open to candidates of any degree discipline.

You can apply for Asda’s graduate recruitment scheme here.

To create your professional careers profile and connect with graduate employers, join Kloodle today!

Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Neil is co-founder of Kloodle.

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