Reviewing a Student’s Skills on Kloodle - Kloodle

Reviewing a Student’s Skills on Kloodle

By April 15, 2020 No Comments

As a teacher, you will want to review the evidence that your students are posting on Kloodle. You can do this by clicking on the skills tags on a student’s profile.

During your 1:1 sessions with a student, you may wish to set them targets of skills they have to evidence during the coming weeks. For example, the student may have to generate evidence of “Resilience” over the next 3 weeks. The student would then use their Kloodle profile to upload evidence of this particular skill.

As a teacher, you can then review a student’s profile to see whether they have successfully achieved this in the following manner: –

1. Log in to your staff account

2. Navigate to your groups.

3. Find the relevant student and click on their name to navigate to their profile

4. Click on the skill button you wish to review on the right hand side of the profile

5. You will be presented with all of the associated evidence with that particular skill.

Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Neil is co-founder of Kloodle.

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