Revision Techniques… What is going to work for you? - Kloodle

Revision Techniques… What is going to work for you?

By April 15, 2020 No Comments

It will very soon be that time of year again, when students across the land divide themselves up into several standard categories. These will span between?—?— Over confidence… (Maybe it would be worth opening at least one book for good measure?)

– Justified confidence…

– Needless Panic…(You’ve done your work, you’ve planned it out, and you’ve made your notes. SO STOP STRESSING)

– Genuine worry…(Possibly time to start believing in a higher being)

You may feel that you fluctuate on a daily basis between all of the above? Fear not, this is perfectly normal. This can often be down to (quite ironically) how conscientious a student you are! I know… who’d have thought?! Sometimes too much advice can be just as detrimental as none at all. If you have scoured the internet, listened to tutors, or simply spoken to your most smug of classmates… you will have been given and instructed on so many ‘sure-fire’ methods that your head will be spinning and now contributing to your increased stress levels. My advice was always just to do practise tests. you get more and more used to the format of the questions, and remember your mistakes more vividly. when learning to drive a car and pass your theory tests, nobody really sits down and scours through the highway code? (ok some people must) But most people simply practise by doing test after test, eventually building their knowledge and confidence. I appreciate however, this may not work for everyone. After all, everybody is different.?—?“Tell me something I don’t know, right?” But wait, maybe this significant factor means that you need to figure out what kind of ‘different’ you are! How ‘you’ approacjh solving the puzzle There’s a good chance that you only need to follow one type of revision method, one which is especially designed to allow you to process and remember as much of the key information as possible. Now then, how do we find this information out? It is widely regarded, that although many people will use a combination of learning styles, people generally fall into one category more predominantly. Visual (spatial):You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding. Aural/Verbal (auditory-musical) (linguistic): You prefer using sound, music and words, both in speech and writing. Physical (kinesthetic): You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch. Other types of learning but not necessarily relevant for your revision methods are: Logical (mathematical): You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems. Social (interpersonal): You prefer to learn in groups or with other people. Solitary (intrapersonal): You prefer to work alone and use self-study. You might have a decent grasp as to which one you already atone with best, but it is usually a good idea to complete a quick test, many of which can be found online, here’s a few to get you started, what you think of yourself and what is actually the case can often be two different things. Once you have in your mind which style and approach most suites you, you can tailor your study around this and stop wasting valuable time on other methods. VISUAL LEARNERS?—?Recopy notes in colours,?—?Visually organise or reorganise notes using columns, categories, outline forms, etc.?—?Remember where information was located in visual field?—?Create timelines, models, charts, grids, etc.?—?Write/rewrite facts, formulas, notes on wall-hangings or posters for visual review at any time?—?Facts, formulas, notes on index cards arranged/rearranged on walls, pin-board, floor, bed etc.?—?Use of “background” visual activity helps you to concentrate?—?Use of highlighters AUDITORY LEARNERS?—?Need to discuss concepts/facts/aspects with friend immediately after new learning?—?Frequently does homework with friend(s) via telephone?—?seems to understand better and retain more?—?Tape records lesson or notes for re-listening later?—?Must say facts/formulas/information over and over to retain?—?Simultaneous talking-walking studying?—?Set information to rhyme, rhythm, or music to aid retention?—?Remember where information was located in auditory field (eg tagged to “who said that?”)?—?Use of different voices to study (like creating a script, or acting out a play)?—?Prefer to listen without taking notes?—?Prefer group discussion and/or study groups?—?Use of background music helps you to concentrate KINAESTHETIC LEARNERS?—?Copy notes over and over, apparently to make them neat or organised?—?Must use white-out or start new page after several mistakes?—?Prefers to take notes during lesson as an aid to concentration?—?Must take notes, even when detailed outline is distributed?—?Must move about when studying?—?Alternates sitting still and moving during homework/studying?—?Move hands or feet for rhythm emphasis while studying?—?Make charts, grids, timelines, diagrams (usually several times)?—?Trace key words with finger, marker, hand?—?Re-enact situations while studying?—?Constructs things while studying (house of cards, blocks, etc.)?—?Frequently takes things apart, or “tinkers with things” for understanding It may be that you need the pressure of last minute cramming sessions to retain the most relevant facts and stats? You may need to map out your study over months to ease the anxiety and manage the pressure? You might need to visual information in other mediums so you can recall it in an exam? What is certain is that getting a clear idea, and learning about YOU will arm you with the key directives to help you to succeed, at the very least it will limit your failings! Good Luck and stop stressing! Andrew Donnelly

Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Neil is co-founder of Kloodle.

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