The Social Mobility Archetype - Kloodle

The Social Mobility Archetype

By April 15, 2020 No Comments

We are involved in the development of a Foundation to support social mobility and I want to solicit your opinions regarding how we can develop this most effectively.

We originally started Kloodle help young people demonstrate their skills, so that whatever their background they will have a chance to progress in life. We provide a platform that encourages young people to record the skills they’re building during their education and to show them that these skills are valued by employers. Through this, we want to show people from all types of background that if you got up, got moving and worked hard, life will throw you an opportunity.

Your skills become your ability to contribute.

In November, my colleague lost his wife suddenly. He is setting up a Foundation to support young people in overcoming the obstacles she faced. She was a social mobility archetype. Her story followed the hero’s journey: young woman goes out into the world despite familial expectation, social norms and surroundings. She encounters obstacles making the path to success tough. She grows, develops and eventually overcomes. She stands, beacon-like, as an example to others starting from similar situations.

If you’d like to read more about Manjit and her inspiring story, Neil has written a blog that explains her journey and the reasons behind the foundation. You can read it here.

Manjit Wolstenholme embodied the characteristics I want Kloodle to foster in young people. She got stuff done. She continually learnt. She carved out her own chances. She used guts, determination and an incredible intellect to forge her path. She embraced obstacles and eventually turned them into an advantage. Tough upbringing? She developed resilience, organisation and maturity. Rough school? She became an autodidact, learning continually in a self-directed and relentless manner. Female and Indian? She used her differences to develop fresh perspectives, new angles and developed new ways of thinking to any organisation she was part of.

I want Kloodle to be the vehicle by which students realise their strengths. I want Kloodle to show young people that academic qualifications can be great, but so can being resilient, creative, a great communicator, a team player, a geek, a jack-the-lad, a bookworm, or a stellar athlete. The world requires diverse skills and I want Kloodle to tap students on the shoulder and tell them “you’d be great doing XXX”.

I am delighted that my colleague is creating a legacy for Manjit; that what she stood for, the values she built and the message she embodied will be communicated going forward. He has started The Manjit Foundation, an organisation designed to support the life chances of young people who may face hardships and barriers to success.

I am writing this email to you to ask for your feedback and involvement. Neil is in the process of setting up the logistics of the organisation. In order to help develop the direction he takes, we would be most grateful to learn your thoughts on the following:-

– What criteria should we use to identify the students most in need of the support offered by the foundation?
– Would you be interested in putting students forward for this Foundation?
– How should we define success? 
– How can we best communicate this message to students?

Please comment with your thoughts and opinions. We’re most grateful.

Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Neil is co-founder of Kloodle.

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