Employer badges: an example - Kloodle

Employer badges: an example

By April 15, 2020 No Comments

Insights into the world of work are vital for young people. My first work experiences revolved around the filing cabinet. I was a terrible administrator. I’d lose focus and forget my alphabet. I slept on a stack of files perched on my knee once. I wasted the experience. Grunt work is a rite of passage to be embraced.

We meet young people who haven’t the slightest clue what duties certain jobs contain. They find insights into these hugely valuable. Kloodle badges are employer led activities that provide insights into the world of work by providing scenarios for the student to engage with.

Here’s an example created for Specsavers.

As you can see, the task asks students to “write a blog that gives instructions to a task you find easy but others may find difficult”.

The description provides more context:-

Specsavers’ IT department provides help and support for all of its shops. If a POS system goes down, records system hiccups, or internet connection drops, the IT desk are on hand to help. An apprentice in the IT desk needs to be able to: –

  • Understand the problem being faced
  • Decide how best to solve this problem
  • Explain in a clear and concise manner how to solve the problem.

Our employer badges provide scenarios that reveal real work place scenarios to students, helping them to demonstrate the skills a business value.

If you’d like to find out more about how employer badges can help your students, sign up to our webinar here: –


If you are an employer, sign up to our webinar on how employer badging can help with your attraction.


Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Neil is co-founder of Kloodle.

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