Episode 15: Dealing with Rejection... An Interview with Raife Copp-Barton - Kloodle

Our first video interview (apologies for any minor glitches)! Our dear friend Raife joins us from his bedroom in Cambridge to speak about his experiences growing up. The conversation starts with a reflection on our time at an all-boys school with a fiercely competitive environment, and how this permeated into one’s personality. Then, we get into the meat of our chat, on failure/rejection and how Raife has dealt with that in the past few years. After our Pointless Fact of the Day, Raife tells us about uni life in London and the challenges it can present. Finally, we cover the ‘limbo’ stage when finishing uni and Raife’s decision to pursue a Master’s at Cambridge.

This was an insightful and thought-provoking conversation and Raife will certainly join us again in the future.

You can listen on Apple Podcasts and Spotify through this link: https://anchor.fm/thenakedstudent 

Remember you can follow us on insta at: thenakedstudent_ and email us at thenakedstudent@kloodle.com if you have any suggestions.

Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Neil is co-founder of Kloodle.

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