Helping Learners Express Their Skill Development More Effectively - Kloodle

Helping Learners Express Their Skill Development More Effectively

By April 15, 2020 No Comments

Here at Kloodle, we believe the journey is more important than the destination. Education is about the skills and knowledge you pick up along the way, not the certificates you leave with. This ethos is baked into our product. We help students reflect upon this journey by keeping a record of their personal development and the skills they are building.

We are forever striving to improve our product in how it helps learners achieve this. Numerous conversations recently has alerted us to the fact that the written word may prove difficult for certain groups of learners. Our achievements section, for instance, requires learners to “write” their main achievements in order to complete their profile. This may prove difficult for some learners to do.

In order to improve this situation, we have enabled learners to post different media types, including photos and videos, to their achievements section. This will help learners who find writing more difficult to find alternative means of expressing themselves. Here’s how it works.

Uploading a photo

Uploading a photo to a profile can be achieved as thus: –

Log into your profile

Scroll down to the achievements section

Click “New”


Drag the image you wish to upload into the text editor


Click “Save”


The achievement will now contain an image.

Teachers and members of staff can also upload these images and create achievements on behalf of learners.

Posting a Video

Posting a video to your achievements section can be achieved in the same way. Instead of dragging and dropping a photo into the text editor, you can use a little YouTube magic.

On the text editor, you’ll notice a video icon. You can click here and attach the URL of any YouTube video.

This will embed the YouTube video into your achievement.


The video will then display in the achievements section of a learner’s profile. 



Kloodle now enables rich media in achievement posts, as well as timeline content posts. This provides learners with a greater ability to create content that reflects their personality, skill development and learning journey. 

Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Neil is co-founder of Kloodle.

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