Kloodle Mark Scheme - Kloodle

Kloodle Mark Scheme

By April 15, 2020 No Comments

We are in the process of developing a Kloodle Mark Scheme for the work we receive from students to achieve badges. Our motives are 2 fold: –

  1. To ensure quality of badges awarded to students
  2. To ensure students understand what a good piece of evidence looks like.

We want students to be able to look at our mark scheme like they would do a mark scheme for an exam. We want them to be able to see the variations in quality and what a model answer would look like.

We also want to ensure the quality of Kloodle badges. People awarded a badge at a certain level should be guaranteed a certain quality.

You can have a look at our first draft here?—?this is our internal copy and will be honed and developed over time. Let us know your thoughts!

Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Neil is co-founder of Kloodle.

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