New Year, New Me? 5 Videos That’ll Help Keep You Motivated. - Kloodle

New Year, New Me? 5 Videos That’ll Help Keep You Motivated.

By April 15, 2020 No Comments

New year is a time for making resolutions. It is a time for looking at the year ahead and planning an onslaught towards the more productive, high achieving, fitter and more contented you. Inspiration stalled? Nay dramas, as the lads and lasses of Geordie Shore would say. Here is a list of 5 videos that will help keep your motivation levels up and keep you inspired.

1 The Last Lecture?—?Randy Pausch. You need a spare hour to watch this video, but it is worth the time. “Last Lectures” are a series of hypothetical lectures where academics are given free range to talk about any subject of their choice, under the premise “If this was your last lecture, what would you talk about?” For Pausch, it actually was his last lecture. Diagnosed with pancreatic cancer he had weeks to live. The result is an emotional and inspirational presentation that is required watching.

2 Dirk & Rick Hoyt?—?Ironmen. The Ironman is a gruelling 2.4 mile swim, 112.2 mile bike ride, and 26.2 mile run triathlon. Hard yakka. Dirk Hoyt made it harder for himself so that his son could enjoy freedom, fresh air and the journey of success. If you don’t shed a tear to this, you need a poke in the eye.

3. Look Up. Perhaps slightly ironic, but this video is about the barriers to communication that computers and “social” media creates. A video encouraging us to put down the computer and engage with life, with those around us and the world proper. Highly relevant and thought provoking…..wait a sec, I just got a WhatsApp…..

4. Elie Wiesel. Holocaust Survivor. Inspirational speech from a holocaust survivor. The atrocities of the holocaust are completely unimaginable. For survivor Elie Wiesel, his experiences shaped his outlook on life. His reaction to adversity was positivity, hope, zest for life and kindness in spirit. Required watching.

5. Jim Carrey Commencement Speech. Known more for his comedy, Carrey’s commencement speech shows a side to him that many wouldn’t have known existed.

Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Neil is co-founder of Kloodle.

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