Which University’s Graduates Have the Highest Average Salary? - Kloodle

Which University’s Graduates Have the Highest Average Salary?

By April 15, 2020 No Comments

A new survey has revealed which universities provide their graduates with the highest average salary after graduating. With tuition fees at £9,000 a year, students will want to graduate from university with the prospect of a great graduate salary to cover their crippling debt. The following list shows which institutes offer the best prospects in terms of graduate salaries.

10) University of Birmingham?—?£46,500

9) Imperial College, London?—?£47,000

8) University of Edinburgh?—?£48,500

7) University of Sheffield?—?£49,000

6) London School of Economics?—?£50,000

5) Cass Business School?—?£50,000

4) University of Cambridge?—?£52,500

3) Warwick Business School?—?£53,000

2) University of Oxford?—?£54,000

1) London Business School?—?£69,000

Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Neil is co-founder of Kloodle.

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