The art of reflection - Kloodle

The 23rd of March was designated as a National Day of Reflection marking the anniversary of the start of the Coronavirus epidemic in the UK. The idea is that the nation and its inhabitants take a pause and think about what’s happened, consider the journey we’ve been on and the collective loss endured. Clearly, it’s a powerful thing to do and an activity we truly promote, but not just once a year on a designated day.

We believe it should form part of your daily life, a habit; and the best way to do that is by learning and embedding from an early age. 

Self-reflection is a process (that’s the key word) through which students think about what they are doing. It’s the What, How, Why they have done something. It’s not just about documenting facts, but an opportunity to look into the metaphorical mirror and examine the pimples and blemishes in how you do things; what went well, what went badly, what you could have done better and examine the concurrent feelings, emotions and thoughts when carrying out a task. It’s a chance to build emotional intelligence, understand your biases (we’ve all got them!) and get to know yourself.

A well-accepted method of scaffolding the reflective process is using a journal or diary and Kloodle allows young people to do just that digitally by using our App; you can capture reflections in a diary entry as and where you want and then tag in the relevant skills or character traits to provide evidence, grow the skills wheel and build confidence. 

At Kloodle we believe it takes time and careful consideration to master this art and through our platform young people can get into a lifelong habit at school, which is a great foundation for progression in academia or business. 

If you want to learn more about Reflective Practice then please read our published blog:

Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Neil is co-founder of Kloodle.

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