Character Education Frameworks We Love: The Regis Ten - Kloodle

In this edition of “Character Education Frameworks We Love….” – The Regis Ten.

The Regis Ten consists of the following traits: –

  • Respectful
  • Listen
  • Welcoming
  • Positive
  • Determined
  • Resilient
  • Creative
  • Independent
  • Kind
  • Belief

The framework represents a fantastic mix between moral, intellectual, performance and civic virtues and undoubtedly provides learners at the school with the vocabulary required to understand and describe their character development.


The school also has a “Student Pledge”, which describes the array of activities learners can undertake to develop their character whilst at the school. This forms the “caught” element of developing character – i.e. providing the opportunities to develop character, as well as the vocabulary to understand this development.

The school has a “taught” element that supports the caught elements. The school’s “Character Curriculum” helps its learners explore aspects of their own character, notable people who have displayed character, and the opportunity to explore each virtue in turn in latter years.

Finally, the school offers the ability to develop character through participation in school life, either through taking up leadership opportunities, or through the “Student Voice” initiative. Student leadership opportunities include sports leaders, subject leaders and prefects.

You can learn more about “The Regis 10” on the school’s website.

At Kloodle, we help schools record all aspects of their personal development and character curriculum, enabling young people to build a portfolio of reflections they keep for life. You can learn more by booking a demo. 


Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Neil is co-founder of Kloodle.

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