Capture Gatsby activities the easy way! - Kloodle
Kloodle Blog

Capture Gatsby activities the easy way!

By April 15, 2020 April 21st, 2020 No Comments

Here’s a quick set up guide to capturing activities and evidence that your learners are undertaking through the Gatsby Module on Kloodle. 

  1. Select the Gatsby module at the top of the page. Then ‘Activities’.


2. Next, create a new activity. Once you have clicked on ‘create activity’ you can enter in the details.


3. Now you can see your event/activity (this may have already occurred or is about to…). Before adding learners to this activity. You should select the benchmarks, that this event is contributing to. Do so simply by selecting the benchmarks on the left hand side. 


4. Now it’s time to add some learners. You can do this individually, or by whole class lists. (classes are called tags). Click on ‘add to tag’. Select the classes who attended the talk. (N.B. you can easily remove participants who did not attend at the next stage). If your learners are not yet on Kloodle, we can add them for you. All that is required is their user names and school/college ID’s. 


5. Now refresh your page. If you look at the ‘participants’ section, it will now display all the students who are in those classes and have attended this talk. You can remove any learners who did not attend here. 


6. If you have encouraged learners to reflect on the activity/event. They can do so simply through their own profile. If they add some content to their timeline – this could be a blog (reflection), photo, video etc As they go through this process they can select the activity it is linked to. – 


7. By doing this it will then feature in the content feed on the teachers activity page. Learners can tag skills into their post, meaning the school or college can directly identify how these activities have made a meaningful impact on learners understanding and skills on this subject. For example, learning professional behaviours, analysis, written communication etc. 

8. All of this will then be demonstrated through your reports and analytics. 


Job done! 

Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Neil is co-founder of Kloodle.