Episode 23: Reflections... - Kloodle
Kloodle Blog

Episode 23: Reflections…

By April 15, 2020 April 21st, 2020 No Comments

This is a slightly different episode to the ones we’ve been releasing recently, as we pause and reflect on our journey with the podcast thus far. We laugh at the audio quality in some of the earliest episodes, phrases that were said too much and how we could at times talk over one another. We also recap some of the ideas our guests have discussed with us. We have been really overwhelmed at the response so far and it has driven us both on to continue to create stimulating and relevant content. Furthermore, we answer a few of the questions that have been emailed in over the past week or so from our listeners. 

We believe this is merely the start of something great.

You can listen on Apple Podcasts here: https://anchor.fm/thenakedstudent

And on Spotify here: 

Remember to follow us on insta at thenakedstudent_ 

Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Neil is co-founder of Kloodle.