How the National Numeracy is helping student employability - Kloodle

How the National Numeracy is helping student employability

By April 15, 2020 No Comments

A few weeks ago, we noticed students from Farnborough Sixth Form College

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posting pictures of a particular certificate to their Kloodle profile. The certificate was an award received from the National

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Numeracy Challenge. The students were proving their mathematical capabilities via this certificate on their profile. Employers bemoan a lack of numeracy amongst young people, so the proactive steps Farnborough Sixth Form’s students were taking to address this was commendable.

Shortly after these posts, National Numeracy emailed us. They had run sessions with Farnborough students and witnessed them uploading pictures of their certificates to Kloodle. Intrigued, they got in touch to find out more.


The National Numeracy is a charity dedicated to improving numeracy in the UK. They work with a range of ages, from school pupils to adults. Maths evokes a strong feeling amongst many people. Their perception is often shaped by their school experiences. A negative experience can have far reaching consequences. Some parents still experience angst at the mention of the word “maths”. The National Numeracy caters for their worries as well as those of students.

The charity recognises that practical numeracy impacts daily life.

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From being able to determine the total of your shopping bill to working out the length of curtains to purchase for the top window, numbers are a daily requirement. School exams contain maths which can appear irrelevant. Practical applications are often glossed over and context is lost. National Numeracy concentrate on practical maths we can use to help with our daily activities.

Their mantra resonates with Kloodle. One belief they have is that “improvement takes effort and application; The key to numeracy skill is resilience and development”. We share this core belief.

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Excelling at anything requires dedication and practice. These are also key requirements for success in life. We love the fact that National Numeracy doesn’t dress up improving your maths is an easy endeavour. They recognise it takes courage and grit. We think this skill applies to any of life’s pursuits.They also highlight the importance of a positive attitude. People’s approach to maths often creates a glass ceiling for performance. This is true in all aspects of skill acquisition. If you believe you are terrible at something, you are right no matter what the reality really is. National Numeracy wants to develop people’s confidence with maths, increasing effectiveness in the process.

Professor Brian Cox calculates speeds of minute particles flying around the

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Large Hadron Collider. Simon Cowell looks at viewer ratings and vote numbers for X Factor. Top marketers calculate the engagement and reach of their posts on social media. Even Wayne Rooney has to count the number of goals he scores each season. Calculating his earnings over the course of a year is somewhat more problematic. Developing confidence with practical maths can have a multiplier effect on your career. Your increased ability and effectiveness will translate to better performance and better pay. We recommend you look at National Numeracy’s programmes. They have something for everyone. Whilst you’re at it, remember to document your new found skill on Kloodle.

Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Neil is co-founder of Kloodle.

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