Today I have been attempting to get the marketing pages and sign up flow for company badges up and running. I have written a basic landing page with a description of how the badges work, as well as a form to help a company build a badge.
My old mate John gave some stellar advice for the marketing pages. My first attempt described the benefits of badges more from a schools perspective than an employers perspective. He suggested outlining the benefits for the employer more.
The page is a lot stronger as a result. Below is the page after the marketing pages; the page you reach when you decide to go ahead with a badge.
Things got interesting with designing the submission of this form. I want companies to be able to build a badge and pay for it without having Kloodle staff as a bottleneck.
I decided to implement Stripe payment to solve this problem. Stripes API is really straightforward to use. I followed this fantastic tutorial set by Jeffrey Way to help get things moving. I had it working on development in an afternoon.
I hope to release this live tomorrow!