We are extending our dashboard to help schools and colleges create a complete overview of the aspects of their curriculum that hit Ofsteds Personal Development judgement. This judgement requires providers to offer a wide range of opportunities that help learners develop as people, including opportunities to: –
- Explore career pathways
- Develop cultural capital
- Understand our society through aspects such as British Values
- Build character and skills through enrichment
- Understand how their learning is building the skills that will help them in the future.
WIth this in mind, were adding features to our dashboard that help members of staff gain an overview of all the activities their organisation undertakes in this area. We want providers to be able to paint a compelling picture regarding the efficacy of their personal development curriculum. These changes reflect a move towards enabling providers to capture all of this curriculum effectively, and, in the words of Ofsted, become an example worth sharing with others.
There are two main elements to this on kloodle: –
- Recording all instances / activities of personal development that occurs in your organisation
- Ensuring learners make meaning from these experiences by capturing reflections and translating these reflections into the skills theyre building.
These two activities will create a fantastic dashboard worth sharing with anybody.
Recording instances
On Kloodle, we capture all the instances of personal development as awards. Awards serve two purposes. They: –
- Enable us to create a participation list of learners who have participated in each award
- Provide the ability to capture reflections in one place.
For example, we might want to create a British Values award. In order to achieve the award, learners have to create a post that outlines their understanding of the british values.

This award is then reflected in our overall activities analytics, where we can show the number of opportunities our curriculum provides for learners to engage with areas such as careers, Gatsby, pastoral learning and enrichment.

It is also then reflected in the Pastoral section of our dashboard. This area lists all of the awards we have available for pastoral learning. This section also outlines the number of learners who have achieved the award, as well as the number of items of evidence we have of learning.

Student reflections
We believe the great strength of Kloodle to be the requirement for learners to reflect upon their work. Learning cannot truly take place without reflection. Reflections afford us the ability to create meaning out of what we learn, as well as form links to other learning.
Also, a core component of Ofsted will be checking learner understanding. How do you know that your learners have developed the skills or knowledge you intended? Reflections are a fantastic way to gather this information.
They also help you build a strong and compelling case that your personal development curriculum is having impact.
Using our British Values award as an example, learners must now upload an reflection or item of work in order to achieve the award.
They do this by: –
- Searching for the award
- Creating a post
- Submitting the award

Reflected in the dashboard
Once a learner has submitted their award, the post is reflected in our dashboard. We can then click into the award and see what the learner has done to complete.

We can also provide a note to feedback what we thought of the learners work.

We also have a feed of all the content created as part of this particular award.
As you can see, we can start to build a complete representation of all the activities that are taking place at our organisation that contribute to an outstanding personal development provision. Not only that, we can use Kloodles ability to reflect upon these activities to create a compelling story outlining the impact our curriculum is having on the skills and understanding of our learners.
As well as the huge benefits to us as a provider, Kloodle also benefits the learners. The information they are collecting and uploading reinforces their understanding of the skills they are building. This: –
- Builds confidence
- Increases engagement
- Helps with future processes such as UCAS, college & job applications.
The skills wheel built through all of this evidence is a firm favourite and is a fantastic visual representation of the impact your personal development curriculum is having on your learners.

If you are interested in building the compelling story that will ensure you are able to present your personal development provision in the best possible light, please book a demo.
Getting started with Kloodle is easy, heres our on-boarding process in a nutshell: –