Adding Skills to Awards - Kloodle
Kloodle Blog

Adding Skills to Awards

By April 15, 2020 April 21st, 2020 No Comments


At Kloodle, we want to reinforce the fact that activities a learner undertakes develops crucial skills. In order to strengthen the relationship between activity and skills, we’e built the ability to add skills to an award. This means that learners achieving the award receive the skills you load into the award on their skills wheel.

Here’s how you can achieve this: –

Navigate to the awards section of Kloodle by clicking Skills > Awards in the top menu. 

Click Create Award

You’ll notice in the form, you now have a skills section where you can select the skills your award is helping to develop.

Click Save. You’ll see in the description section of your newly created award the skills you chose.

If you want, you can now add requirements to the award.

Now, when a student applies for the award and they are successful, or, you give a student the award through their profile, they’ll receive the award’s skills in their skills wheel.

As this is a validated piece of work, the student will receive 5 points for each of the skills in the award. As a result, by creating and awarding awards, you are helping to grow your learners’ skills wheels.

If you have existing awards you’d like to add skills to, simply edit the award and add the relevant skills when you reach the skills section.

If you require any help with this process, please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Neil is co-founder of Kloodle.