Episode 20: Divorce, 'Accentism', and Law... An Interview with Ailsa - Kloodle
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Episode 20: Divorce, ‘Accentism’, and Law… An Interview with Ailsa

By April 15, 2020 April 21st, 2020 No Comments

Episode 20 of TNS! Time flies when you’re having fun and we hope the listeners have enjoyed the journey thus far. Today, we are joined by Ailsa to discuss her personal journey after her parents’ divorce at age 13 and why talking about our issues with friends is so important. After our legendary Pointless Fact of the Day, we then move on to discuss Ailsa’s professional life in the world of law, managing to overcome earlier adversity. In our humble opinion, the most poignant aspect of this section is when Ailsa reveals how at times she has felt underestimated as a result of her accent in this profession.

This is a really powerful discussion and we look forward to your feedback from this episode.

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Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Neil is co-founder of Kloodle.