Episode 26: Love Island... - Kloodle

Episode 26: Love Island…

By April 15, 2020 No Comments

This is a big topic amongst younger generations, and a topic that we both have strong opinions on. Love Island is nothing short of a cultural phenomenon, but what sort of message does the show give out to young people? We explore the dangers and morals presented by Love Island and how, much like social media, it can heighten anxiety and depression, especially regarding one’s physical appearance. After our Pointless Facts, we also discuss the deaths of two Love Island stars after they left the show and how insane it is that there is now going to be not one, but two, series per year even after these deaths. 

This is a fairly deep examination of the problems posed by Love Island and we hope it gets you all thinking! Please do get in touch.

Find us on insta at thenakedstudent_

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Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Neil is co-founder of Kloodle.

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