Character Education on Kloodle: Facilitating Principles in a Student-Centric Way - Kloodle and Kloodle

I’d like to tell you all about our digital platform. Kloodle has been carefully designed to facilitate and champion a character education programme in a user-friendly, student-centric way, and acts as a cornerstone tool for schools aspiring to embed character development seamlessly into their educational framework.

In alignment with the principles set out by, Kloodle not only addresses the core values of character but also enables students to actively engage in their own character development journey through recording and evidencing their experiences inside and outside the classroom, using features like self-assessment tools, goal setting, and reflection exercises. In this way, learners better understand their personal growth and changing attributes which, in turn, builds their confidence.

The 11 Principles of

The 11 well-thought-out and widely-accepted Principles of set out the theoretical framework for what a ‘good’ programme looks like. Kloodle is the enabler which can put that theory into practice, allowing the development content relating to each individual student’s circumstances to be embedded – hence we use the term ‘student-centric’ – and also allowing all schools to meet the 11 Principles, thereby advancing towards achieving ‘National School of Character’ status. I’ve included a table lower down in this article to show you how Kloodle aligns with each of these principles, providing robust support to schools on their journey towards character excellence.

Which Principles Work Best on Kloodle?

We often get asked by schools which of the 11 Principles outlined by is Kloodle most useful for. The answer is all of them, of course, although it’s useful to pick one out to illustrate the benefits Kloodle delivers; I personally think it’s Principle 3: “Your character development approach is proactive and comprehensive.” Character is not only “taught” and “caught”, but it’s also “sought” and that’s where Kloodle comes in. Students should be active participants in their own character growth. Kloodle empowers young people to proactively engage in their character development journey by providing a digital platform where they can document their experiences, activities, and reflections related to character building. Character development isn’t like academic qualifications where a test at one point in time is deemed sufficient to assess competence. It’s a continuous ‘process’ of consideration and reflection of the impact of activities, building in a positive feedback loop.

By developing a personal profile linked to activities, students can actively participate in various character-building initiatives and track their progress over time. Additionally, Kloodle fosters a comprehensive approach to character development by offering a range of tools and resources that address different aspects of character, including moral, civic, performance, and intellectual dimensions. Through self-assessment, goal-setting, and reflective practices facilitated by Kloodle, students can take ownership of their character development and cultivate a holistic understanding of what it means to embody positive character traits. Overall, Kloodle empowers students to be proactive agents in their own character development, supporting the proactive and comprehensive approach advocated by

What About New Requirements

Kloodle can also help to fulfil any of’s new requirements, such as the recently introduced Principles 2.3 and 3.2.

Principle 2.3
The school takes proactive steps to become a learning community, always on the lookout for new structures, approaches, and activities that will strengthen and enhance the school’s comprehensive character initiative.
The character development plan is a proactive process of continuous improvement and growth rather than a set-in-stone checklist of activities.
The school community can determine the extent to which their approach to character reaches all students, is developmentally appropriate, and includes evidence-based practices.
Principle 3.2
The school identifies ways to encourage students to reflect upon, internalize, and make a positive and sustained commitment to live their core values.


Teachers and staff provide regular and developmentally appropriate opportunities for students to reflect on their character growth (e.g. through journal writing, setting character goals, adult-student conversations, and group discussions). Students can explain which core values they want to improve and strengthen, and why.

Case Study to Show How Kloodle Works In Real-life

We have been working with SST Corpus Christi College Prep High School in Texas and here’s a link to a detailed case study of how Kloodle works in practice and has been tailored for that institution:

Empathy, Integrity, Leadership: Kloodle’s Character Education Revolution At SST Corpus Christi College Prep High School Texas –

Overview On How Kloodle Supports The Adoption Of’s Principles In Your School

Principle 1

Identifying and Embedding Core Values
Kloodle facilitates the identification and embedding of core values by providing a centralized digital platform for schools to articulate, communicate, and reinforce their values. Kloodle gives the ability to catalogue activities and all experiences that identify where these values inherently fit in all aspects of students’ daily life. Students can engage with these values through reflective activities, posts, and discussions, fostering an understanding and commitment to the school’s culture of character.

Principle 2

Understanding and Practicing Core Values
Kloodle promotes understanding and practicing core values by providing interactive tools for students to explore the significance of each value within their cultural context. Through reflection prompts and contextualised examples, students can deepen their understanding of how core values manifest in different situations and develop strategies for integrating them into their behavior and decision-making.

Principle 3

Proactive and Comprehensive Character Development
Kloodle supports proactive and comprehensive character development by offering a structured framework for planning, implementing, and tracking character education initiatives. Schools can use Kloodle to design tailored programs that address various aspects of character, such as moral, civic, performance, and intellectual development, ensuring a holistic approach to nurturing students’ character traits.

Principle 4

Fostering Caring Attachments and Relationships
Kloodle fosters caring attachments and relationships by providing a platform for students to connect with teachers, mentors, and community members in meaningful ways. Through collaborative projects and mentorship, students can develop supportive relationships that cultivate a sense of belonging and connection within the school community.

Principle 5

Creating Opportunities for Living Core Values
Kloodle creates opportunities for students to live their core values by encouraging them to participate in service projects, leadership roles, and extracurricular activities that align with the school’s values. By documenting their experiences and reflections on Kloodle, students can demonstrate how they embody core values in action, contributing to a culture of service and social responsibility.

Principle 6

Striving for Everyone’s “Best Self”
Kloodle supports the development of everyone’s “best self” by providing resources and activities that address the four areas of character—moral, civic, performance, and intellectual. Through self-assessments, goal-setting tools, and personalized feedback, students can identify areas for growth and work towards fulfilling their potential in all aspects of their character development.

Principle 7

Emphasizing Intrinsic Motivation
Kloodle emphasizes intrinsic motivation by encouraging students to reflect on their values, goals, and aspirations independently of external rewards or recognition. Through self-directed learning activities and self-assessment tools, students can cultivate a sense of ownership and agency in their character development journey, fostering a lifelong commitment to personal growth and integrity.

Principle 8

Shared Responsibility for Upholding Core Values
Kloodle promotes shared responsibility for upholding core values by providing a collaborative platform where students, coaches and teachers can model, practice, and reinforce these values collectively. By actively engaging with each other’s posts, providing constructive feedback, and celebrating achievements, the school community demonstrates its commitment to maintaining a culture of character.

Principle 9

Encouraging Leadership and Input
Kloodle encourages all stakeholders to take a leadership role in character development by inviting them to contribute ideas, initiatives, and feedback through the platform. Students should take control of their own character development independently by recognising which challenges and experiences to undertake to best develop their character.

Principle 10

Character initiative engages a range of partners
Kloodle facilitates the engagement of a range of partners, parents, community members, and organizations, in the character initiative. Schools can use Kloodle to collaborate with external stakeholders, share resources and best practices, and involve the wider community in promoting shared values and ethical behavior. This can include industry or corporate influencers to reaffirm the values they are delivering.

Principle 11

Reaffirming and Revising Core Values
Kloodle supports the ongoing reaffirmation and revision of core values by providing tools for regular evaluation, reflection, and adaptation. Schools can use Kloodle to gather feedback from stakeholders, assess the effectiveness of character education programs, and make informed decisions about refining their values-based approach to meet evolving needs and challenges.

In Summary

Fundamentally, Kloodle helps to add context to the principles in practice.

Every school leader, every teacher, even every parent will read the 11 Principles and agree that they sound great. No one can deny that, altruistically, every learner should live out positive values in their behaviour through character.

Kloodle underpins the long-term delivery of this giving the learners a WHY. Why does it matter? Also, how can you prove it? And what impact can it have on your future and others around you?

Being able to reflect on and evidence the development it takes to become good, thoughtful people and positive role models is what matters. Every child can listen to a stand-alone assembly, design a groovy poster or help out in a once-a-year fundraiser… but why should they? And, does it make a difference?

The principles are built on the foundation that your life is exponentially better through living out these values: you will have better relationships, you will have greater opportunities and you will have significantly more value to add to those you come into contact with. You have done the hard work… you have evidenced it, so NOW you deserve an opportunity. Yes, your school wants you to be a great ambassador for their school, and, through evidencing and reflecting on Kloodle, you understand the value it will then have on your own future – whether that is for your college, university, employer or family, your world will open up in rewarding ways and lead to experiences that will enrich your life with increased purpose.

If you would like a demo of Kloodle please book it here:


Neil Wolstenholme

About Neil Wolstenholme

Chairman of Kloodle

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